Patients who visit Witty Family and Cosmetic Dentistry for treatment love coming to see our fun, fantastic team. Working alongside Dr. Witty and Dr. Watkins, our team promotes a warm and friendly atmosphere that makes everyone feel welcome. We invite you to read the following bios to learn more about the individuals who assist our dentists at our dental office in Nicholasville, Kentucky.
Casey D. Witty, DMD
Dr. Witty attended the University of Kentucky College of Dentistry, graduating in June of 2009, following a Bachelor of Science in biology. She began working with her father, Dr. Watkins, at Watkins Family and Cosmetic Dentistry after graduation. In 2012 she purchased the practice and changed the name to Witty Family and Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Witty has continued her education focusing primarily on cosmetic dentistry and making it her personal goal to provide affordable quality dental care to every patient.
Dr. Witty is a member of the following organizations:
- American Dental Association
- American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD)
- American Academy of Facial Esthetics
- Kentucky Dental Association (KDA)
- Bluegrass Dental Society (BDS)
In 2010, Dr. Witty married her husband, Tyler. They welcomed their daughter, Danielle, in May of 2013 and their son, Lawson, in June of 2014. In her free time, Dr. Witty loves antiquing, gardening, and enjoying the quiet farm life with her family.

Outside the dental office, Dr. Watkins enjoys golfing and spending time with his grandchildren, Danielle and Lawson.

Casey began working at Witty Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in July of 2013 after graduating from the Institute of Dental Technology. She also completed her studies in coronal polishing in February of 2015. Casey handles all front office duties, such as billing and payroll, and lends a hand in caring for patients—she knows that when the front office is running smoothly, the back office will, too. Even though Casey is not related to anyone in the office, she considers our team to be part of her family.
Casey married her husband, Tony, in 2014, and they have two cats named Chloe and Willie and a dog named Pistol. Casey’s hobbies include taking Pistol to the dog park, repurposing furniture, and spending time with friends and family.

Tiffany joined our team in September of 2015. After graduating from West Jessamine High School, she attended the Institute of Dental Technology and completed her studies in July of 2015. She is excited to be part of an amazing team of coworkers and patients, which she supports by making sure the dentists have everything they need to make appointments efficient and successful.
Tiffany spends her free time reading, crafting, and spending time with friends. She rescued a black cat in October of 2014, that she named Nimbus.

Ashley has been a member of our team since June of 2009. She attended BCTC, where she earned her Associates in Applied Science/Dental Hygiene. She loves working with her cousin and uncle, Dr. Witty and Dr. Watkins, at Witty Family and Cosmetic Dentistry and works hard to improve patients’ overall oral health in a comfortable, professional setting. On October 10, 2010, Ashley married her husband David and gained a stepson, Kendrick. The couple also have twin daughters, Morgan and Willow. She spends her free time being a soccer mom, shopping for Matilda Jane and watching Kentucky sports with her family.